Sending a message
Sending messages to other members can leave you with mixed emotions. Part of you will be excited, you might feel relieved once you have sent it, but part of you might be wondering what if you don’t get a reply. Some people assume they will receive a reply to every message, but that is not always the case. The best way to deal with the situation is not to expect a reply from everyone. People also tend to take it very personally if they don’t get a response to a message, instead of just putting it down to experience.
A message is the first point of contact and your opportunity to make a good first impression on them. If your profile is of a high standard, it will increase your chance of being replied to. If you have sent messages to other members but don’t seem to get replies to your messages, then there are numerous reasons that could explain why.
Why members don’t respond
Here we have outlined some of the main reasons why people don’t respond to messages.
- They simply aren’t interested in getting to know you and believe that not responding to a message makes you aware of this. Not responding is the easy way to turn someone down. Some people see it as the cowards way out, but others feel it is the most obvious way of rejection.
- You might not match their search criteria, therefore they don’t feel the need to respond. They might feel you shouldn’t have contacted them knowing that you don’t fall within their criteria.
- They might not want to reply saying “thanks but no thanks” in case you start asking for explanations and the conversation could possibly turn nasty. People deal with rejection in different ways and not everyone is understanding about it.
- It could have been your message that put them off. Some people don’t respond to badly written messages or messages with absolutely no thought put into them at all. If your message just says“Hi” then the recipient might feel you have put it upon them to start the conversation. Although you have made the initial contact, the hard job of starting a discussion has been pushed onto them. It might appear that you couldn’t be bothered to write a better message so they might not be bothered to write a reply.
- If you ask outright to meet up for a sexual encounter, then you could easily offend others. It might be what you are after, but it’s not what everyone is after.
- Text speak is not liked. People feel if you can’t be bothered to write using proper words, why should they bother replying, especially if they can’t understand your message.
- Messages containing bad spelling and grammar can also result in no response. It angers some if it’s obvious a message hasn’t been written properly. They don’t want to spend their time trying to decipher your messages therefore they might not want to reply to you.
- Some members receive numerous messages and don’t get round to answering all of them. It is possible that your message could get missed.
- The member you contacted could be in the middle of communicating with a vast number of other members and simply don’t have the time to start communicating with you. They might be too mixed up in their own conversations to have the time to reply to your message.
- The content you used in your message could have offended others. If you have used swear words, used sexual content, appeared angry or made fun at their expense, then you could have done yourself some harm.
- If your message asked them to contact you away from the website, then that can put others off communicating with you. They might want to stick with using the website message system initially until they get to know you more.
- Asking to meet up in your first message can seem daunting to others. It will seem too soon to them, and possibly scare them off, resulting in no reply.
- The member you contacted might not use the site any more, but their account is still activated.
- Members don’t always log in to their account every day. So be patient.
- If your message asks another member to check out your profile, but your profile has very little information on it, then they have nothing to go by. They will probably wonder why you asked them to take a look at it and not reply.
What do I do?
If you haven’t received a reply to a message and time has passed by, then it is probably best to move on. There is no point in sending more messages to the members who don’t respond, it will just waste your time and possibly upset or anger you if you still don’t get a reply. Concentrate on writing messages to different members, remembering that new people join Completely Free Dating every day. It is best not to expect a reply, therefore you won’t be disappointed if you don’t receive one.
It is also a good idea to think about your messages before you send them and always read them through, just in case it is your message causing members not to reply. Keep in mind the above points when you next write your messages to ensure they are of a high standard.